datum be 57.67   The data was verifiable.
  datum show 25.61   But the data showed a zero.
  datum suggest 12.64   Crime data suggest they might.
  datum indicate 9.61   Not at all, the data indicate.
  datum come 5.20   And then the data came in.
  datum help 3.49   The data may help predict future trends.
  datum include 3.42   The data did include Honda and Nissan.
  datum provide 3.42   The data provided some reasons for optimism.
  datum have 3.23   So data have to keep moving.
  datum confirm 2.90   Census data confirm that trend.
  datum support 2.37   But the data do not support that.
  datum reflect 1.97   Economic data reflect that sentiment.
  datum release 1.97   Data released last week.
  datum give 1.91   Other data gave a modest boost to bond prices.
  datum point 1.84   Most other data also pointed to a robust economy.
  datum reveal 1.84   Latest data revealed export growth to be losing steam.
  datum exist 1.65   Data exists but it needs pulling together.
  datum make 1.58   That more data will make us better people.
  datum become 1.45   BellSouth expects data to become central to all operations.
  datum need 1.32   Data needs context.
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