1.   Critics have pointed to the lack of transport links to the new attraction.

2.   Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes.

3.   However, its critics point to the problems harmonisation must present across States with such varying traditions.

4.   And critics pointed to flaws in the way it is carried out.

5.   And, again, the critics pointed to the issue of public perception.

6.   As evidence, the critics point to plummeting audits.

7.   Administration critics point to previous stated opposition to the federal suit on the part of Bush and Ashcroft.

8.   But critics pointed to glaring indications that the appearance of a democratic process at the meeting was more superficial than substantial.

9.   But critics point to mismanagement.

10.   Critics also point to the lack of research on the subject and the dearth of laws in place to govern it.

n. + point >>共 907
sign 5.03%
evidence 4.21%
official 3.63%
analyst 3.43%
report 3.33%
indicator 2.94%
critic 2.09%
expert 2.02%
finger 1.63%
company 1.05%
critic + v. >>共 364
say 36.99%
be 4.71%
accuse 3.59%
argue 3.20%
charge 3.06%
call 2.92%
contend 2.84%
complain 2.28%
claim 1.74%
question 1.46%
point 0.49%
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