1.   The data provides compelling evidence that the climate is changing.

2.   This data provided a good base for further research.

3.   These data provide evidence for either intrafamilial cross infection or a common source of infection within family groups.

4.   However, it should be noted that this themodynamic data provides no information relating to the geometry of the bound distamycin which will require examination using other techniques.

5.   The data produced will provide more information than legally required.

6.   Analysts said the latest data provided little solid information about the state of the economy, which they said seemed to be grinding out further meager gains.

7.   As a result, the census data provide a comprehensive picture of regions without treading on privacy, Turner said.

8.   A standard stripe holds enough data to provide fairly secure access to bank accounts or other services.

9.   But he said in a telephone interview that the data did not provide a definitive answer.

10.   But mixed data provide something for the optimist and something for the pessimist.

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datum + v. >>共 404
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