1.   As experts point out children like Lee and Dick play quite happily with their brothers and sisters who can see.

2.   Experts pointed to several simple tests which hint that a tape is counterfeit.

3.   Arbitration experts point to the discovery process as a cause of long and costly court cases, and say limited discovery in arbitration quickens the process.

4.   Better regulations will not prevent all crashes, but experts point to several crashes that new rules could have made less likely.

5.   Beverage experts point to the success of flavored rums such as Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Bacardi Limon.

6.   But above all, the experts point to the powerful draw of Italian television, which has high viewership and captures more than half of Italian advertising revenues.

7.   But other experts point to home-grown reasons for the changes.

8.   But some experts point to the growth of the Salvadoran population as a indication of the extent of the surge.

9.   Examine any number of reasons, but again experts will point to the picture of Hogan.

10.   Experts point to a number of factors.

n. + point >>共 907
sign 5.03%
evidence 4.21%
official 3.63%
analyst 3.43%
report 3.33%
indicator 2.94%
critic 2.09%
expert 2.02%
finger 1.63%
company 1.05%
expert + v. >>共 358
say 44.77%
be 4.04%
believe 3.76%
agree 3.11%
warn 2.16%
predict 1.71%
expect 1.10%
think 0.98%
suggest 0.97%
see 0.84%
point 0.28%
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