1.   At the end, a swirl of spicy chile oil adds a little heat.

2.   Add more chile oil if the flavor is too mild for Texas tastes.

3.   Add the red and white miso, hot chile oil, chicken broth and salt.

4.   Add the rice vinegar, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, the brown sugar, sesame oil, chile paste, ginger, minced chile and the chile oil.

5.   Combine the soy sauce and chile oil in a small bowl.

6.   Cooks will appreciate his collection of dishes, and detailed sections on making pantry items such as salsas, hot chile oil and chorizo sausages.

7.   Stir in the peanuts and chile oil.

8.   Stir in the chile oil.

9.   The garlic and red chile oil add high notes to a silky melange of noodles, mushrooms and cabbage.

n. + oil >>共 299
soybean 9.59%
sesame 8.94%
soy 6.68%
canola 4.67%
fish 4.08%
truffle 3.31%
diesel 2.72%
midnight 2.07%
engine 2.01%
cod 1.62%
chile 0.58%
chile + n. >>共 63
pepper 17.59%
powder 16.67%
sauce 11.11%
paste 8.33%
rellenos 4.63%
oil 4.17%
flake 2.31%
mixture 1.85%
puree 1.85%
queso 1.85%
每页显示:    共 9