1.   As soon as the liquid is absorbed, add more, stirring constantly with a large wooden spoon.

2.   Add the wine or stock and continue cooking, mashing the livers with a fork as they cook, until the liquid has been absorbed.

3.   Add wine and continue stirring until liquid is absorbed by rice, about a minute.

4.   Add a ladleful of stock and cook gently, stirring, until the liquid has been absorbed.

5.   Add more broth when the farro has absorbed the previous liquid.

6.   Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid is thoroughly absorbed and seeds begin to brown, being careful not to burn.

7.   Cook until the mushrooms absorb the liquid, then reduce heat to low.

8.   Cook the linguine in the sauce, stirring and tossing constantly, until all the liquid has been absorbed and the linguine are tender.

9.   Cook the rice in the stock or salted water in a covered saucepan until it is just tender and the liquid has been absorbed.

10.   Cover, reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally until liquid is absorbed according to grits package directions.

v. + liquid >>共 209
pour 8.01%
add 6.58%
reserve 6.34%
reduce 5.86%
strain 4.43%
bring 3.71%
absorb 2.99%
use 2.87%
drain 2.27%
drink 2.27%
absorb + n. >>共 643
loss 4.73%
cost 4.34%
water 2.86%
moisture 2.82%
shock 2.39%
light 2.05%
energy 2.00%
heat 2.00%
impact 1.77%
lesson 1.67%
liquid 1.19%
每页显示:    共 25