1.   Drain oxtails and peanuts, reserving cooking liquid.

2.   Drain, reserving any liquid, and keep warm in a heated serving dish until the sauce is made.

3.   Arrange oysters in shells, reserving cooking liquid in pan.

4.   Add tamarind juice and reserved chickpea liquid.

5.   Add cooked chickpeas and reserved cooking liquid.

6.   Add enough reserved poaching liquid to moisten well.

7.   Coarsely chop, reserving any liquid in a bowl.

8.   Chop the porcini and reserve the liquid.

9.   Combine the leeks and reserved cooking liquid in a small saute pan over very low heat.

10.   Cool and drain well, reserving the liquid.

v. + liquid >>共 209
pour 8.01%
add 6.58%
reserve 6.34%
reduce 5.86%
strain 4.43%
bring 3.71%
absorb 2.99%
use 2.87%
drain 2.27%
drink 2.27%
reserve + n. >>共 573
right 24.23%
judgment 7.95%
seat 3.70%
liquid 2.23%
comment 1.89%
decision 1.89%
room 1.77%
space 1.43%
time 1.22%
juice 1.09%
每页显示:    共 53