absorb loss 6.52   The merchant absorbs the loss.
  absorb cost 5.99   The fans were already absorbing the cost.
  absorb water 3.95   Trees absorb water.
  absorb moisture 3.88   The leaves absorb moisture from the air.
  absorb shock 3.29   The wooden handle absorbs shocks better.
  absorb light 2.83   These electrical contacts also absorb light.
  absorb energy 2.76   This absorbs energy from the impact.
  absorb heat 2.76   Darker surfaces absorb heat.
  absorb impact 2.44   The suit had absorbed the impact.
  absorb lesson 2.30   His watchful son absorbs the lesson.
  absorb most 1.71   The machine absorbed most of the shock.
  absorb information 1.65   Her capacity to absorb information is amazing.
  absorb liquid 1.65   Liquid should be absorbed.
  absorb oil 1.51   The fertilizer first absorbed the oil.
  absorb flavor 1.38   They cook quickly and absorb flavors well.
  absorb blow 1.32   Until this summer, Hong Kong had seemed ready to absorb those blows.
  absorb increase 1.32   The market absorbed the increase in production, however.
  absorb amount 1.25   A forest on this scale would absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide.
  absorb nutrient 1.18   Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.
  absorb punishment 1.18   They stand tall in the pocket and absorb punishment.
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