21.   The same situation may occur if pension income declines upon the death of a retired spouse.

22.   Women are less likely to receive pensions than men, and those who do receive pension income receive half of what a man receives.

23.   The comparable per share decline reflects a decrease in pension income and increases in interest expense and in the number of shares outstanding.

n. + income >>共 270
interest 13.58%
investment 10.93%
retirement 5.97%
rental 5.16%
fee 5.09%
farm 4.68%
premium 2.78%
commission 2.04%
year 2.04%
dividend 2.04%
pension 1.56%
pension + n. >>共 307
fund 35.77%
plan 13.13%
system 6.73%
benefit 4.17%
scheme 2.76%
reform 2.51%
payment 2.28%
money 1.79%
manager 1.59%
right 1.46%
income 0.57%
每页显示:    共 23