interest income 13.17   Net interest income was unchanged.
  investment income 10.60   The rest came from investment income.
  retirement income 5.79   I can get some retirement income.
  rental income 5.00   The pagers would bring rental income.
  fee income 4.94   This has all led to a bonanza of fee income on Wall Street.
  farm income 4.54   Farm income is going up.
  premium income 2.70   This is contributing to the decline in premium income, analysts said.
  commission income 1.97   That boosts commission income for companies like Alex.
  dividend income 1.97   You will be taxed on dividend income, however.
  year income 1.97   But you got laid off and have little or no income this year.
  government income 1.84   Oil accounts for about one-third of government income.
  six-figure income 1.58   Dozens of others have six-figure incomes.
  pension income 1.51   The estimate does not include pension income.
  cash income 1.12   The Inland Revenue treats a scrip dividend as if it was cash income.
  oil income 1.12   Most OPEC members depend heavily on their oil income.
  per-capita income 1.12   It has the third lowest per-capita income.
  tax income 1.12   The city is also desperately short of tax income.
  export income 0.92   High world commodity prices have also boosted export income.
  royalty income 0.79   Spatializer expects an expanded stream of royalty income.
  bond income 0.72   Yen weakness decreases returns to overseas investors who convert bond income into other currencies.
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