1.   IT seems like everyone wants to join the pension scheme -- even cold blooded reptiles!

2.   His friends and colleagues gave him a cut glass sherry decanter and group pensions manager,, complemented this gift with matching sherry glasses.

3.   Pension fund managers were again in search of high-yielding stocks to protect their incomes after the Budget changes.

4.   Among others supporting the proposal are pension fund managers for the California counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Mateo, Fresno and Alameda.

5.   And pension fund managers say long-term investments would shield the burgeoning funds from any significant corrections.

6.   And with Japanese government bond yields near record lows, pension fund managers are investing the legally allowed limits overseas.

7.   And when it comes to the crucial task of raising money, Kravis or Roberts meets personally with each pension fund manager.

8.   As a matter of stewardship, pension fund managers are concerned only with principal.

9.   As a result, many pension fund managers have little experience with futures traders.

10.   As a result, they are making decisions that formerly were relegated to corporate pension managers.

n. + manager >>共 548
fund 13.63%
money 10.86%
portfolio 3.75%
campaign 3.31%
team 3.23%
project 2.06%
store 2.06%
business 1.80%
branch 1.33%
hotel 1.31%
pension 0.47%
pension + n. >>共 307
fund 35.77%
plan 13.13%
system 6.73%
benefit 4.17%
scheme 2.76%
reform 2.51%
payment 2.28%
money 1.79%
manager 1.59%
right 1.46%
每页显示:    共 64