1.   Although American oil inventories are low, the statement issued after the Vienna meeting said that OPEC officials think that overall world inventories are too high.

2.   Frost damage would have come as smaller-than-expected crops from other growers shrunk world inventories and led to a doubling of futures prices this year.

3.   High world inventories and past OPEC failures to enforce production agreements cast doubts on the latest effort to drive up oil prices.

4.   Last March OPEC agreed on production cuts in order to soak up world oil inventories and tighten up the market.

5.   That could raise demand for U.S. wheat at a time when world inventories have been depleted as drought reduced production.

6.   That could boost demand for U.S. wheat at a time when world wheat inventories have been depleted as drought reduced crop production.

7.   The lack of exports from Russia reduced world inventories and threatened to disrupt production of pollution control devices in cars.

8.   World inventories of oil have also fallen considerably while demand has continued to be robust.

9.   World oil inventories have been declining, but in the past year demand has been rising sharply.

10.   Coffee futures prices fell sharply Monday after a respected crop forecaster reportedly predicted Brazil will harvest a bumper coffee crop, helping replenish lean world inventories.

n. + inventory >>共 180
business 18.88%
oil 11.50%
gasoline 10.03%
warehouse 2.51%
factory 2.36%
product 1.92%
distillate 1.92%
world 1.77%
retail 1.47%
auto 1.33%
world + n. >>共 502
champion 12.87%
championship 9.16%
leader 7.32%
market 6.47%
record 4.63%
title 3.94%
body 3.65%
economy 2.92%
price 2.18%
stage 1.30%
inventory 0.05%
每页显示:    共 12