1.   Or should the constantly growing number of united churches form a world body of their own?

2.   And the world body is expected to play a role in overseeing the creation of a transitional government in the region.

3.   Annan regards the ability of the world body to react quickly to crises as vital.

4.   At the Council on Foreign Relations, Ruth Wedgwood, an expert on the United Nations, said that the world body needs help in rethinking its operations.

5.   At this juncture in history we should ask what we want the world body to do and be.

6.   Backers say the world body is essential for facilitating trade and investment across the globe.

7.   Blatter is the newly elected head of the powerful world soccer body, known as FIFA.

8.   A system of assessed, negotiated and voluntary contributions for financing the world body can be designed.

9.   But Clinton Wednesday that even if Congress votes against normal trade relations, China will still get into the world body.

10.   But several world bodies are encouraging member countries to at least collect more information, a vital first step toward regulating the industry.

n. + body >>共 450
world 27.30%
student 10.75%
government 6.38%
trade 5.77%
soccer 3.29%
sport 2.05%
watchdog 1.82%
policy-making 1.53%
security 1.34%
industry 1.17%
world + n. >>共 502
champion 12.87%
championship 9.16%
leader 7.32%
market 6.47%
record 4.63%
title 3.94%
body 3.65%
economy 2.92%
price 2.18%
stage 1.30%
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