1.   Britain is the world leader in deaths caused by heart disease.

2.   Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today.

3.   Enter J. S. Fraser, considered to be the world leader in the field.

4.   Increasingly, funding will reflect the quality of the research output so that the best centres can truly be world leaders.

5.   McCrae is now only seven points behind world championship leader Tommi Makkinen.

6.   No world leader would try to launch a surprise attack because the response would be terminal for his own nation.

7.   Nor did Mr Clinton need to look very far for a world leader to support him.

8.   Statesmen and politicians in the family offer equally numerous opportunities for choosing quotations from famous world leaders.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
world + n. >>共 502
champion 12.87%
championship 9.16%
leader 7.32%
market 6.47%
record 4.63%
title 3.94%
body 3.65%
economy 2.92%
price 2.18%
stage 1.30%
每页显示:    共 1672