1.   Bill is a wolf nut and played me some tapes of wolf calls, which are so unearthly.

2.   A chorus of wolf calls responded, complete with the yipping of pups.

3.   It was far more vocal for Sturgill, responding with wolf calls to an elaborate black, lacy top from Marcesa, worn with the shortest of jean cutoffs.

4.   After the predator attacks began, however, recorded wolf calls caused the moose to become alert and restless.

5.   There were wolf calls and whistles, naturally - the boys glancing my way from time to time to see my reaction.

n. + call >>共 860
wake-up 7.93%
strike 5.95%
distress 4.34%
plan 2.88%
margin 2.56%
line 2.56%
port 2.35%
opposition 2.12%
radio 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
wolf 0.12%
wolf + n. >>共 114
population 10.64%
program 7.66%
reintroduction 5.53%
pup 4.26%
recovery 2.98%
plan 2.13%
call 2.13%
habitat 1.70%
project 1.70%
restoration 1.70%
每页显示:    共 5