1.   Among the issues they will review is whether hundreds of millions of dollars borrowed from Japanese banks by Barings went to finance the margin calls.

2.   Among individual investors, panicked sellers were hard to find, except for people who had to pay taxes or who faced margin calls.

3.   And because Barings continued to meet margin calls, he said, there were no signs that the firm was in financial difficulty.

4.   An overabundance of investor optimism caused too many investors to get hit with margin calls.

5.   Anwar said Friday that banks will be allowed to make margin calls on loans for which shares have been pledged as collateral.

6.   As a result, international lenders made what are known as margin calls.

7.   As it turned out, Heebner was too far ahead of the market and he faced a painful margin call.

8.   As margin calls kicked in last Tuesday, many investors were forced to unload vast amounts of stock to cover their losses, and prices went into a free-fall.

9.   Ashanti said the margin call threatened its solvency.

10.   As the market continued down, Leeson faced increasing margin calls on his losing positions.

n. + call >>共 860
wake-up 7.93%
strike 5.95%
distress 4.34%
plan 2.88%
margin 2.56%
line 2.56%
port 2.35%
opposition 2.12%
radio 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
margin + n. >>共 93
call 24.56%
loan 9.96%
requirement 9.51%
account 7.08%
debt 5.53%
pressure 3.10%
payment 2.43%
purchase 1.99%
business 1.99%
decline 1.99%
每页显示:    共 110