1.   Satellites have revolutionized the science of weather prediction.

2.   Well more news and features to follow but first weather predictions from our resident guru Lloyd Quinan.

3.   And Ross Atkin, a reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, even had a good weather prediction.

4.   A look at the state of weather prediction.

5.   But Katsoufis said he believes weather predictions are often unreliable, and he had hoped the hurricane would blow out to sea.

6.   But the greater value, experts say, may come from the information it provides about tropical precipitation, which in turn could help experts improve computerized weather predictions.

7.   But weather predictions are still worrisome.

8.   Computer simulations with limited observations make weather predictions with little usefulness, especially for pilots.

9.   El Nino forecasts, like typical long-range weather predictions, are inexact.

10.   I believe that the true sign of perspicacity is being reluctant to make an actual weather prediction.

n. + prediction >>共 102
weather 14.06%
preseason 4.69%
earnings 4.30%
earthquake 4.30%
growth 4.30%
doomsday 3.52%
climate 3.13%
profit 2.34%
computer 2.34%
year 1.95%
weather + n. >>共 494
condition 23.66%
pattern 10.02%
forecaster 5.18%
report 4.48%
phenomenon 4.36%
system 4.12%
service 3.42%
radar 2.04%
official 2.04%
problem 1.54%
prediction 0.72%
每页显示:    共 36