weather prediction 2.37   The weather predictions are ominous.
  preseason prediction 0.79   So much for preseason predictions.
  earnings prediction 0.72   That was double its initial earnings prediction.
  earthquake prediction 0.72   Earthquake prediction is an inexact science.
  growth prediction 0.72   Brazil and Argentina are sticking by their growth predictions.
  doomsday prediction 0.59   Casino industry lobbyist Lloyd Criss disputed the doomsday predictions.
  climate prediction 0.53   Given the uncertainty of climate predictions, the future is unclear.
  computer prediction 0.39   There remains the matter of verifying the computer prediction.
  profit prediction 0.39   The declining profit predictions are hardly limited to the tech sector.
  government prediction 0.33   But economists and politicians have poured cold water on the rosy government predictions.
  market prediction 0.33   And Vinik has made his share of bad market predictions.
  year prediction 0.33   More than for several years, predictions this year are difficult.
  drought prediction 0.26   The results, he said, should help in monitoring environmental change and improve drought predictions.
  football prediction 0.26   Bloomberg College football predictions for the ninth week of the season.
  revenue prediction 0.26   Then, last week, Intel delivered its gloomy revenue predictions.
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