1.   For several years weatherman Paul Damari has been operating an independent weather service for balloonists.

2.   The weather service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning.

3.   Starting this week, Central television is bringing you an improved weather service.

4.   And the company has yet to explain why the afternoon excursion was carried out when weather services predicted thunderstorms.

5.   Areas in the western mountains received little snow from the storm, the weather service said.

6.   Besides lower temperatures, the weather service predicted more storms and greater precipitation in the Northeast.

7.   Abnormally dry weather may continue from Central Texas to North Dakota for at least three years, a private weather service has predicted.

8.   About a half-dozen of those signing the letter are former employees of the weather service or its parent agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

9.   But he also said that the weather service hopes to be able to control for this within a few years, making long-term predictions better than guesses.

10.   But the weather service believed that the storm was heading for Florida.

n. + service >>共 647
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security 4.88%
telephone 3.91%
phone 3.60%
customer 3.45%
intelligence 3.13%
health 2.63%
press 2.44%
community 2.41%
news 2.38%
weather 0.63%
weather + n. >>共 494
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pattern 10.02%
forecaster 5.18%
report 4.48%
phenomenon 4.36%
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service 3.42%
radar 2.04%
official 2.04%
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