1.   ATLANTA - Beginning this week, Georgia-Pacific will get on with the business of becoming a global powerhouse in tissue products.

2.   He discovered there were several moist tissue products already on the market, but none was a big seller.

3.   It also makes commercial tissue products for institutional markets.

4.   Organogenesis Inc. said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will let the biotechnology company market Graftpatch, its soft tissue reinforcement product.

5.   Some manufacturers recently announced price hikes for tissue products.

6.   The combined company will be the number two producer of tissue products after Kimberly-Clark Co.

7.   The consumer products business, known for Dixie cups and Brawny paper towels, will make tissue products, boxes, pulp and paper.

8.   The new company will produce disposable diapers, feminine hygiene pads, products for adults with incontinence problems, and consumer tissue products.

9.   These benefits, however, were offset by lower sales of tissue products, such as Kleenex tissue and Kleenex Cottonelle toilet paper, and newsprint.

10.   They were partly offset by lower shipments of consumer tissue products in North America and Europe, the company said.

n. + product >>共 1366
consumer 6.41%
food 4.39%
petroleum 3.43%
tobacco 3.38%
blood 2.86%
software 2.49%
oil 2.27%
farm 2.12%
soy 2.12%
computer 1.82%
tissue 0.15%
tissue + n. >>共 194
sample 17.84%
damage 5.85%
bank 5.56%
engineering 4.39%
injury 3.07%
transplant 2.78%
type 2.49%
growth 2.49%
activator 1.90%
product 1.90%
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