1.   For the physician, it is a demand to identify the objective source of the tissue damage which provoked the subjective awareness.

2.   Injury or tissue damage stimulates nerve impulses in specialised sensory fibres.

3.   Is this not proof that the pain felt by normal subjects mirrors the nature, intensity and location of tissue damage?

4.   Left to their own devices, these free radicals cause tissue damage.

5.   Others use magnetic resonance imaging, like those used to find tissue damage in humans, to detect explosives.

6.   The aim is to minimise tissue damage and further movement could do just the opposite!

7.   With tissue damage and necrosis, the cells disintegrate and leak their contents into the blood.

8.   Therefore, activated neutrophils may contribute to tissue damage at sites of inflammation.

9.   The very toxic hypohalide anion catalysed by the enzyme myeloperoxidase may also cause tissue damage.

10.   An MRI showed no tissue damage, but Ewing sat out the next six games as a precautionary measure.

n. + damage >>共 464
property 10.94%
nerve 6.05%
ligament 5.75%
water 3.93%
flood 3.90%
kidney 2.94%
crop 2.91%
heart 2.74%
storm 2.71%
fire 2.61%
tissue 1.32%
tissue + n. >>共 194
sample 17.84%
damage 5.85%
bank 5.56%
engineering 4.39%
injury 3.07%
transplant 2.78%
type 2.49%
growth 2.49%
activator 1.90%
product 1.90%
每页显示:    共 40