1.   Barnaby says that terrorists intent on mass destruction would need no more technical know-how than that used to make the Lockerbie bomb.

2.   For Bartlett, those window and aisle seats are no longer claimed by the ghosts of terrorists intent on killing thousands of strangers.

3.   Turn a blind eye to heroin traffickers, munitions dealers, nuclear arms merchants or any Islamic terrorists intent on waging war on our turf.

4.   Canadian officials worry that their nation is being unfairly perceived as a conduit for terrorists intent on attacking the United States.

5.   Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin blamed radical Islamic terrorists intent on halting the Arab-Israeli peace process.

6.   Singapore and Malaysia have arrested dozens of suspects they claimed were al-Qaida linked terrorists intent on carrying out attacks on Western interests in Southeast Asia.

n. + intent >>共 205
voter 13.95%
group 2.84%
extremist 2.84%
government 2.58%
people 2.58%
team 2.33%
rebel 1.81%
terrorist 1.55%
man 1.29%
eye 1.03%
terrorist + n. >>共 38
attack 31.33%
intent 7.23%
group 7.23%
act 6.02%
leader 3.61%
strike 3.61%
activity 2.41%
bomb 2.41%
aim 1.20%
beseiges 1.20%
每页显示:    共 6