1.   Steve leaned towards her, his eyes intent and yet there was hurt there, deep hurt.

2.   Rachel moved slowly towards him, her eyes intent on his dark, handsome profile.

3.   The fellow nodded, his eyes intent on the bear.

4.   Eyes intent, the audience seemed to be holding their breath every time the choir rendered the songs.

n. + intent >>共 205
voter 13.95%
group 2.84%
extremist 2.84%
government 2.58%
people 2.58%
team 2.33%
rebel 1.81%
terrorist 1.55%
man 1.29%
eye 1.03%
eye + n. >>共 372
injury 7.60%
surgery 6.24%
socket 4.13%
level 4.04%
doctor 4.04%
open 3.65%
problem 2.99%
drop 2.68%
disease 2.55%
surgeon 2.50%
intent 0.18%
每页显示:    共 4