voter intent 3.55   Divine voter intent in chad-challenged machine ballots?
  extremist intent 0.72   This has left fewer targets for Albanian extremists intent on revenge attacks, he said.
  group intent 0.72   The Egyptian government has long battled militant groups intent on bringing Islamic rule to Egypt.
  government intent 0.66   A statement said the government intents to apply to the court for appointment of an inspector.
  people intent 0.66   But that did not slow people intent on a chance at the jackpot.
  team intent 0.59   The game went to the wire with both teams intent on scoring.
  rebel intent 0.46   Authorities have said the six were Hutu rebels intent on destabilizing the government.
  terrorist intent 0.39   Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin blamed radical Islamic terrorists intent on halting the Arab-Israeli peace process.
  man intent 0.33   Equally certainly, it would be wrong to underestimate men intent on carving you in two.
  authority intent 0.26   But their discussions with federal authorities intent to recover the art have been stalled for months.
  business intent 0.26   It is, however, the industrial revolution that cannot be ignored by any business intent on progress and security.
  company intent 0.26   Microsoft Corp. is among the companies intent on finding out.
  eye intent 0.26   The fellow nodded, his eyes intent on the bear.
  official intent 0.26   But he was immediately seized by Indian immigration officials intent on deporting him to France.
  police intent 0.26   Police intent on stopping any show of emotion from triggering unrest quickly pulled up in a white van and carried the couple off.
  prosecutor intent 0.26   He says he is being victimized by prosecutors intent on bringing him down.
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