1.   For someone not comfortable with writing, can talking help?

2.   Sigmund Freud believed many troubled and depressed people could be helped by talking through their problems.

3.   Talking with DiMeglio helped them direct their sorrow.

4.   Talking with each other helps us to gain a better perspective.

v. + help >>共 440
be 4.98%
have 3.08%
buying 2.49%
do 2.37%
say 1.42%
fall 1.18%
win 1.18%
counsel 1.18%
funding 1.07%
spending 1.07%
talk 0.47%
talk + v. >>共 80
be 53.21%
up 9.29%
make 1.79%
help 1.43%
hurt 1.43%
people 1.43%
have 1.07%
dirty 1.07%
experience 0.71%
do 0.71%
每页显示:    共 4