1.   Gossett also believed that winning before would help him cope on Saturday and Sunday.

2.   Winning helps jump-start careers.

3.   Winning has helped avert the sort of wails of travail that periodically float out of the Sonic camp.

4.   Winning helps greatly.

5.   Winning helps that.

6.   Winning helps, too.

7.   Winning helps ease the sting of being taken deep.

8.   Winning helps.

9.   Winning would help.

10.   Not winning the award helped inspire Bryant in the dunk event.

v. + help >>共 440
be 4.98%
have 3.08%
buying 2.49%
do 2.37%
say 1.42%
fall 1.18%
win 1.18%
counsel 1.18%
funding 1.07%
spending 1.07%
win + v. >>共 144
be 54.93%
become 2.72%
mean 2.72%
seem 2.60%
make 2.27%
have 1.93%
do 1.59%
give 1.47%
take 1.25%
come 1.25%
help 1.13%
每页显示:    共 10