1.   In fact being a carrier helps to boost natural immunity.

2.   And being bigger would help it defy managed care.

3.   Anyone who doubts that being first lady helped elect Hillary Clinton to the U.S. Senate need only sneak a look at her crowded Palm Pilot since the election.

4.   Being a nice guy and being yourself helps in the long run.

5.   Being close helped.

6.   Being flexible also helps.

7.   Being Methodist helped her link personal faith to social action.

8.   Being physical can help, too.

9.   Being tall helps, but being tall without the accompanying benefit of being athletic makes for a very perilous basketball existence.

10.   Being user-friendly also helps.

v. + help >>共 440
be 4.98%
have 3.08%
buying 2.49%
do 2.37%
say 1.42%
fall 1.18%
win 1.18%
counsel 1.18%
funding 1.07%
spending 1.07%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
help 0.50%
每页显示:    共 42