1.   If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.

2.   If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

3.   If the symptoms persist, see your doctor.

4.   If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.

5.   If your symptoms persist for more than a few days, then contact your doctor for advice.

6.   In most cases, these symptoms persist for a couple of days.

7.   See your doctor if the symptoms persist.

8.   Bryant also was given medication for stomach cramping, and his symptoms could persist for a few days.

9.   But in a small group of patients, symptoms either persist or come back after the standard treatment.

10.   But if such symptoms persist or keep recurring, patients should insist on being examined for possible brain tumors.

n. + persist >>共 673
problem 6.38%
weather 4.15%
condition 2.93%
violence 2.89%
rumor 2.52%
cloud 2.36%
question 2.28%
pain 1.95%
tension 1.75%
symptom 1.46%
symptom + v. >>共 140
include 31.16%
be 24.85%
appear 5.79%
persist 2.34%
develop 2.21%
disappear 2.02%
begin 1.89%
occur 1.89%
range 1.50%
go 1.24%
每页显示:    共 36