1.   A chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system, its symptoms range from blurred vision and numbness in a limb to extreme fatigue and even paralysis.

2.   Allergy symptoms range from runny noses to diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, asthma, dermatitis and hives.

3.   Depending on the type of plant and age and size of the person, the symptoms can range from none to upset stomachs to heart problems.

4.   Its symptoms range from coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath to acute respiratory failure.

5.   Symptoms range from a long-running cold to total nasal obstruction.

6.   Symptoms range from mild to severe, from intermittent to constant.

7.   Symptoms range from psychological, like mood swings and irritability, to short-term memory loss, to headaches, nausea and blurred vision.

8.   Symptoms range from low morale and fatigue to alcohol or drug abuse.

9.   Symptoms range from mild nausea and cramps to violent vomiting, bloody diarrhea, anemia or kidney failure requiring dialysis.

10.   Symptoms ranged from nausea to bloody diarrhea and, in four cases, death from kidney failure.

n. + range >>共 879
topic 1.71%
reaction 1.50%
color 1.16%
charge 1.16%
sentence 1.11%
estimate 1.03%
injury 1.03%
problem 0.99%
symptom 0.99%
wide 0.94%
symptom + v. >>共 140
include 31.16%
be 24.85%
appear 5.79%
persist 2.34%
develop 2.21%
disappear 2.02%
begin 1.89%
occur 1.89%
range 1.50%
go 1.24%
每页显示:    共 23