1.   Rumors persist that they are dating.

2.   Amid the debate, rumors persist that its chairman, Glenn Yusuf, will be replaced.

3.   Apparently the condition vanished, but in recent years rumors persisted that he was not well.

4.   Anything seems to go with racing in Kentucky, and sinister rumors persist of the fates that have befallen favorites.

5.   As rumors persist that Potvin will be traded there, the franchise continues to struggle.

6.   But rumors persist to the contrary, and the James workout would provide some credence.

7.   But rumors persist that South Africa may have used chemical agents against Mozambique a decade ago.

8.   Dreadful rumors persisted.

9.   Or, rumor persists that O.J. Simpson, now dead, told Johnny Cochran, his lawyer, what really happened.

10.   Rumors persist that Boris Yeltsin needs heart surgery.

n. + persist >>共 673
problem 6.38%
weather 4.15%
condition 2.93%
violence 2.89%
rumor 2.52%
cloud 2.36%
question 2.28%
pain 1.95%
tension 1.75%
symptom 1.46%
rumor + v. >>共 237
be 32.68%
circulate 7.80%
have 7.09%
spread 5.66%
swirl 3.66%
abound 3.61%
fly 2.76%
persist 2.76%
begin 2.59%
surface 1.78%
每页显示:    共 62