1.   It also involved a very substantial outflow of government expenditure abroad, as well as foreign investment.

2.   These deficits, combined with substantial outflows of capital, provided the other advanced countries with additional dollar reserves.

3.   He added that while there were substantial outflows from equity funds last Wednesday, the day stocks hit their recent lows, money returned later.

4.   None of the other large funds reported substantial net outflows of investments.

a. + outflow >>共 59
net 23.64%
massive 9.09%
continued 3.64%
large 3.64%
sudden 3.64%
strong 3.64%
huge 3.03%
substantial 3.03%
heavy 2.42%
rapid 2.42%
substantial + n. >>共 1105
amount 4.17%
number 3.08%
progress 2.74%
increase 2.35%
change 1.79%
damage 1.68%
support 1.68%
investment 1.64%
sum 1.50%
portion 1.50%
outflow 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5