1.   Refugee situation Political uncertainty and economic hardships led to a continued outflow of refugees, particularly from the minorities.

2.   Political uncertainty and economic hardships led to a continued outflow of refugees, particularly from the minorities.

3.   Adding to the municipal market woes are the continued outflows from tax-exempt mutual funds.

4.   In New York overnight, the yen weakened on the continued outflow of investment money from Japan, reflecting the search for higher-yielding opportunities.

5.   The yen had weakened overnight in New York on the continued outflow of investment money from Japan, reflecting the search for higher-yielding opportunities elsewhere.

6.   Also underpinning the advances on the day was the sharp sell-off in the bond market, amid expectations of a continued outflow of investor funds.

a. + outflow >>共 59
net 23.64%
massive 9.09%
continued 3.64%
large 3.64%
sudden 3.64%
strong 3.64%
huge 3.03%
substantial 3.03%
heavy 2.42%
rapid 2.42%
continued + n. >>共 1156
growth 5.29%
support 3.06%
presence 2.42%
strength 2.34%
weakness 2.09%
demand 1.59%
violence 1.52%
use 1.47%
concern 1.26%
decline 1.26%
outflow 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6