1.   Another wax stripper is the liquid used to strip wax from linoleum and vinyl floors.

2.   Can I strip the wax and then varnish the floor?

3.   Chances are the stripper you used also stripped the wax, if any.

4.   Q. I stripped the wax from my linoleum floor, and it is real linoleum.

5.   Still another trick is to defy the specialists and strip the wax and apply two coats of an oil-based polyurethane varnish.

6.   To strip the wax, use paint thinner, or a commercial wax stripper, and you might have to do it more than once.

7.   You could try stripping the wax by applying llberal amounts of paint thinner or a strong ammonia solution.

v. + wax >>共 61
remove 18.03%
melt 5.74%
strip 5.74%
apply 4.92%
dissolve 4.10%
heat 3.28%
drip 3.28%
use 3.28%
get 2.46%
put 1.64%
strip + n. >>共 588
ball 5.29%
provision 1.60%
paint 1.16%
woman 1.16%
house 1.09%
man 1.02%
bill 0.94%
car 0.94%
club 0.94%
tree 0.94%
wax 0.51%
每页显示:    共 7