1.   But new steel mills are starting up, which some analysts expect will boost supply and depress prices over the next year.

2.   But new steel mills are starting up, which will boost supply.

3.   He bootlegged whiskey, pumped gas, worked in a steel mill handling hot wire, stole hubcaps.

4.   He told me to go over to the steel mill.

5.   I began to work in steel mills when I was seventeen to support my education.

6.   People all have jobs now, at the steel mill and the auto plant.

7.   Poor, ignorant people in coal mines and steel mills?

8.   S., new steel mills are setting up shop.

9.   Twenty years of working in the steel mill had made him as strong as an ox.

10.   We would cut those areas of production, such as mines and steel mills, where there is no comparative advantage for us.

n. + mill >>共 153
steel 21.05%
paper 10.99%
rumor 10.06%
textile 8.54%
food 6.59%
flour 6.34%
pulp 3.38%
sugar 3.21%
cotton 2.54%
puppy 1.44%
steel + n. >>共 759
industry 6.54%
company 6.51%
mill 4.53%
import 3.31%
maker 3.27%
product 2.45%
door 2.44%
producer 2.25%
beam 2.24%
price 2.14%
每页显示:    共 248