1.   Along with backyard breeders, puppy mills offer a ready supply of purebred pets, primarily to pet shops.

2.   According to the statement, anyone investigating a puppy mill would be charged with a felony offense.

3.   Bunchers most often hold animals for reward or ransom and sell purebreds to collectors, pet shops, backyard breeders, puppy mills or pet auctions, he said.

4.   Compounding the problem, most Christmas puppies came from backyard breeders and puppy mills.

5.   Currently, the Humane Society monitors puppy mills only through undercover investigations, he said.

6.   Every kid had to have one, and puppy mills cranked them out like widgets on a production line.

7.   It is named after their German shepherd, which they rescued from a puppy mill.

8.   Logically, some of the purebreds at shelters came from the very puppy mills and pet shops that animal advocacy groups frown on.

9.   Neither Glatz nor other advocates knew of any puppy mills in Texas.

10.   Pennsylvania has one of the highest numbers of puppy mills in the country.

n. + mill >>共 153
steel 21.05%
paper 10.99%
rumor 10.06%
textile 8.54%
food 6.59%
flour 6.34%
pulp 3.38%
sugar 3.21%
cotton 2.54%
puppy 1.44%
puppy + n. >>共 50
dog 19.79%
mill 17.71%
raiser 5.21%
training 4.17%
home 3.13%
coat 2.08%
face 2.08%
owner 2.08%
buyer 1.04%
call 1.04%
每页显示:    共 17