steel mill 16.39   ...a steel mill.
  paper mill 8.56   It was later converted to a paper mill.
  rumor mill 7.83   The rumor mill is churning again.
  textile mill 6.65   ...a textile mill.
  food mill 5.13   Puree in food mill or sieve.
  flour mill 4.94   Flour mills were amongst the biggest losers today.
  pulp mill 2.63   Chemical plants and pulp mills.
  sugar mill 2.50   More wood was cut to fuel the sugar mills.
  cotton mill 1.97   In California it was the cotton mill.
  puppy mill 1.12   Neither Glatz nor other advocates knew of any puppy mills in Texas.
  diploma mill 1.05   Karademir said he is not running a diploma mill.
  rice mill 0.92   He caught cockroaches for breeding at rice mills.
  rumour mill 0.92   Already the local rumour mill was turning.
  corn mill 0.72   Quite possibly it was a corn mill partially converted for fulling.
  grist mill 0.72   Riding to the grist mill on horseback to get corn ground into meal.
  gossip mill 0.66   That too is grist for the gossip mill.
  patronage mill 0.66   By assuming control, Pataki risks replacing one patronage mill with another.
  timber mill 0.66   Timber mills provide the Apache with much of their revenue.
  newsprint mill 0.59   Spruce Falls owns a newsprint mill in Kapuskasing, Ontario.
  grain mill 0.46   Young residents await their turn at a Kuito grain mill.
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