1.   Daily, books and newspapers are being burned or otherwise destroyed for space reasons.

2.   For space reasons, I unfortunately have to leave them out.

3.   For space reasons, the magazine, owned by Conde Nast, is postponing some fiction.

4.   Please HOLD BBO-GOODEN, by Ira Berkow, from St. Petersburg, Fla. Story is being held for space reasons.

5.   Story was held by Times for space reasons.

6.   The story has been KILLED by The N.Y. Times for space reasons.

7.   The story has been killed by The New York Times for space reasons and may be published at a later date.

8.   The undatelined story, BC-SCI-EXTINCTION-NYT, by Kenneth Chang, has been HELD, for space reasons.

9.   They had been transferred for space reasons to a foundation several years ago, said opera spokeswoman Elisabetta Navarbi.

n. + reason >>共 241
security 48.43%
health 16.90%
safety 11.11%
business 3.26%
tax 1.72%
privacy 1.12%
cap 0.77%
salary 0.77%
policy 0.64%
space 0.39%
space + n. >>共 649
agency 11.72%
official 10.77%
program 10.67%
exploration 3.69%
travel 3.36%
mission 2.65%
center 2.34%
alien 1.81%
technology 1.37%
telescope 1.30%
reason 0.21%
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