1.   Although the need for uniforms is certainly debatable, there are business reasons behind each of those policies.

2.   Aside from ties to family and friends at home, the artists working here also say they have sound business reasons not to put roots down in New York.

3.   Before, companies could more readily argue that legitimate business reasons lay behind their employment patterns.

4.   But companies also cite a wide range of business reasons that have little to do either with the environment or with what happens in Washington.

5.   But industry professionals say there are business reasons as well.

6.   But most companies also cite a plethora of business reasons that have little to do either with the environment or with what happens in Washington.

7.   But some observers say that, while Turner wants a truce for business reasons, he may not stop his verbal assaults against Murdoch.

8.   But the deal is at least as important for political and military as for business reasons.

9.   But Peter Haise, publisher of The Onion, said that moving to New York was done as much for editorial as business reasons.

10.   But there are business reasons behind the positions they take.

n. + reason >>共 241
security 48.43%
health 16.90%
safety 11.11%
business 3.26%
tax 1.72%
privacy 1.12%
cap 0.77%
salary 0.77%
policy 0.64%
space 0.39%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
reason 0.22%
每页显示:    共 76