1.   The refusal did include policy reasons, but the fundamental aspect was those other problems which were given very considerable investigation.

2.   Bush insisted on those general terms for more than policy reasons.

3.   But some U.S. officials assert that the White House sought to minimize the espionage issue for policy reasons.

4.   He justified the calling of an early election for economic and foreign policy reasons.

5.   Russia also has policy reasons for a China visit.

6.   She noted that Finland had strong policy reasons for awarding wireless licenses as cheaply as possible.

7.   Still, for both political and policy reasons, Clinton has wrapped himself in the mantle of debt reduction.

8.   The court said Tuesday that policy reasons alone were not enough to confer legal standing on an agency.

9.   There are solid policy reasons to block trading by people who betray a professional trust by using inside information that is legally unavailable to outsiders.

10.   We recognize sound policy reasons may exist for providing the FEC with independent litigating authority in this Court for actions enforcing the FECA.

n. + reason >>共 241
security 48.43%
health 16.90%
safety 11.11%
business 3.26%
tax 1.72%
privacy 1.12%
cap 0.77%
salary 0.77%
policy 0.64%
space 0.39%
policy + n. >>共 754
maker 8.32%
change 6.86%
meeting 5.05%
issue 3.80%
decision 3.67%
statement 2.88%
difference 2.11%
shift 2.03%
speech 1.73%
adviser 1.68%
reason 0.21%
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