1.   As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.

2.   Enabling software, which is usually bought by corporations, helps users to organize information and create their own software applications.

3.   The money will be put towards the purchase of personal computers for running chemistry software applications.

4.   It is clear from this list that the use of LIFESPAN encourages an orderly approach to software production without regard to the context of the individual software application.

5.   The concepts they use may involve the following, data elements, data tables, databases, knowledge bases, software applications, interfaces...

6.   An inaccurate software application could still be useful, Nahamoo said.

7.   Among other things, the company has replaced nine software applications.

8.   And it is now offering a scaled-down version for Notes users who do not develop software applications.

9.   And they design systems for electronic commerce ventures, as well as for the myriad other software applications of computers in business.

10.   And the company talks about caching data for customers and hosting software applications and servers on its Integrated On-Demand Network.

n. + application >>共 497
visa 7.16%
software 6.38%
asylum 4.15%
job 4.11%
loan 3.80%
mortgage 2.62%
business 2.58%
bail 2.40%
computer 2.40%
amnesty 2.18%
software + n. >>共 652
company 15.35%
program 6.49%
maker 5.74%
developer 5.27%
industry 3.75%
giant 3.02%
product 2.75%
package 2.71%
business 2.06%
firm 1.97%
application 1.87%
每页显示:    共 145