visa application 10.80   The visa application was denied.
  software application 9.61   Software applications are just now being written.
  asylum application 6.25   The asylum application was later granted.
  job application 6.19   Asking for a job application.
  loan application 5.73   Our loan application has been approved.
  mortgage application 3.95   Mortgage applications are rising, too.
  business application 3.88   Business applications abound.
  bail application 3.62   Neither made a bail application.
  computer application 3.62   DVDs might also enhance computer applications.
  amnesty application 3.29   The deadline for amnesty application is passing.
  college application 2.83   Our oldest son is submitting college applications.
  grant application 2.70   Reviewing grant applications .....
  license application 2.30   In license applications, he listed his birthplace as Yemen.
  permit application 2.24   Ehrhardt said that in recent weeks, permit applications have soared.
  membership application 2.11   The other is a campaign membership application.
  process application 2.11   Meissner said it could take a year to process applications.
  citizenship application 1.84   Brown said the INS will expedite his next citizenship application.
  drug application 1.84   New drug applications generally involve two studies.
  pardon application 1.71   Other pardon applications are pending before the Georgia board.
  passport application 1.58   Neither does her passport application.
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