1.   Add a salad of sliced beets, red onion, feta cheese and a great French dressing with red wine vinegar.

2.   On the very top, place the sliced beets with a shrimp on each beet slice, and an anchovy filet on the shrimp.

3.   On the very top, place sliced beets with a shrimp on each beet slice and an anchovy filet on the shrimp.

4.   Stirring in a spoonful of orange or ginger shrub adds subtle flavor to sliced beets in butter, and carrots glazed in shrub pick up a nice acid edge.

5.   Thinly sliced beets will need less time than thicker ones, so slice them as thin as possible.

a. + beet >>共 74
red 9.16%
cooked 3.82%
fresh 3.82%
pickled 3.82%
roasted 3.82%
sliced 3.82%
golden 3.05%
raw 3.05%
grated 2.29%
chopped 2.29%
sliced + n. >>共 151
onion 10.78%
tomato 8.36%
bread 5.02%
strawberry 3.72%
potato 3.53%
fruit 3.53%
apple 2.79%
banana 2.42%
mushroom 2.42%
carrot 2.42%
beet 0.93%
每页显示:    共 5