red beet 0.79   Boil red beets until tender.
  cooked beet 0.33   Add cooked beets and carrots, stirring well to coat.
  fresh beet 0.33   Peel and boil potatoes, carrots and fresh beets.
  pickled beet 0.33   Q. I am making pickled beets, which are delicious, but my hands are heavily stained.
  roasted beet 0.33   Use it to season roasted beets or steamed carrots.
  sliced beet 0.33   Thinly sliced beets will need less time than thicker ones, so slice them as thin as possible.
  golden beet 0.26   If you cannot find golden beets, use twice the amount of ordinary red beets.
  raw beet 0.26   To dye an egg pink, for example, add raw beets or cranberries to the water.
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