1.   At www.peteconrad.com, the site contains photographs and tributes to Conrad, the third person to walk on the moon.

2.   Beyond this, the site contains links to dictionaries for defining medical terms, medical clearinghouses and organizations devoted to consumer health.

3.   But he has been able to raise only a fraction of the money needed, and at this point the site contains only a barnlike building erected by volunteers.

4.   For writers of literary works, the sites contain criticism, essays, serious reviews and bibliographical information.

5.   For trivia fans, the ITU site also contains an extensive data base of maritime radio licenses.

6.   He said the site contains information on recent deals so brokers and executives can keep track of the state of the markets in the cities where Studley has offices.

7.   It is impossible for international investigators to verify if the grave sites contain bodies because the Bosnian Serbs have refused to allow them entry to the sites.

8.   Many library sites contain large sets of research links to full texts, in essence creating a virtual research library reading room.

9.   Neither company would say specifically what the site will contain.

10.   Nor does the site contain features that might give some sense of life on the tour, like action photographs or interviews with players.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
site + v. >>共 758
be 32.44%
have 6.91%
offer 6.05%
include 3.91%
provide 2.30%
feature 1.54%
contain 1.35%
become 1.34%
allow 1.09%
make 0.89%
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