1.   In addition, the site provides access to hundreds of specialty search engines, organized by category.

2.   The site provides a glossary of legal terms.

3.   Thus, at least four sites provide evidence for the existence of a workshop which specialised in the design of complex, concentric circular schemes and simple geometric designs.

4.   Manufacturing sites now provide information about their environmental performance to their local communities.

5.   Although it may sound like a promotional gimmick, the sites provide easy access to plenty of online information sources.

6.   And by calculating the costs for several children at once, the site can also provide a more complete financial picture.

7.   And each site provides a model for potential clients.

8.   And the Gebbie Press site provides free newspaper, magazine and broadcast-station listings.

9.   Anyone who has ever used the Web knows that most sites provide links to related sites.

10.   Before you begin, however, keep in mind that the sites mainly provide only basic introductions to foreign languages.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
site 0.82%
site + v. >>共 758
be 32.44%
have 6.91%
offer 6.05%
include 3.91%
provide 2.30%
feature 1.54%
contain 1.35%
become 1.34%
allow 1.09%
make 0.89%
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