1.   And, although Brown and other officials denied it, internal department documents contain numerous indications that politics apparently was a factor.

2.   Colons and Semicolons Most business documents contain colons that serve one or two functions.

3.   The administration claims that the documents contain information of a highly sensitive political nature.

4.   The documents contained top secret information.

5.   According to the Ministry of the Interior the same documents also contained orders from the ETA leadership to all of its commando cells to stage a general offensive.

6.   Andrew Warren, the director of the Association for Energy Conservation, commented that the document contained no new ideas and could have been written several years ago.

7.   In fact the document contained a clause which provided that the company is not liable for any damage, howsoever caused.

8.   If, therefore, it can be established that the recipient knew that the document contained terms, they will be incorporated.

9.   The partial offer document must contain an explanation as to the reason why a full offer is not being made.

10.   And curiously, the documents released Friday contained no written communications from anyone at the Justice Department.

n. + contain >>共 1651
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