1.   The Internet is larger and has more types of server computers dishing out information.

2.   Therefore, they rely on large server computers on a network.

3.   Among these are directory services, which enable users on a network to find other users and server computers without knowing complex addresses.

4.   Any large organization has vast amounts of data stored in dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of server computers, and in multiple computer networks.

5.   AOL and CompuServe are private networks, with server computers that distribute information exclusively to their members.

6.   API NetWorks Inc. of Concord sells Samsung-made Alpha chips to Compaq, and also produces its own line of Alpha-based server computers.

7.   Apple Computer Inc. unveiled its own server computer for Internet publishers.

8.   As the day wore on, sites boosted the number of server computers, the machines that send Web pages over the Internet.

9.   Before using telnet to connect to a machine, you need a user account on that server computer.

10.   Both companies produce desktop computers for home and business and large-scale server computers for corporate back offices.

n. + computer >>共 404
laptop 26.56%
desktop 12.72%
notebook 7.78%
mainframe 6.15%
server 3.73%
office 2.80%
government 1.73%
quantum 1.49%
host 1.42%
school 1.11%
server + n. >>共 104
computer 22.45%
software 21.83%
market 6.65%
product 4.57%
business 3.12%
farm 2.70%
system 2.29%
space 2.08%
program 1.87%
appliance 1.46%
每页显示:    共 107