server computer 7.11   Server computers store and distribute data on networks.
  server software 6.91   But it charges lots of money for its Internet server software.
  server market 2.11   How important is the server market to you?
  server product 1.45   The company also unveiled corresponding server products.
  server business 0.99   Microsoft this week entered the Internet server business by giving away its software.
  server farm 0.86   Executives differ, though, about where server farms must be located.
  server system 0.72   Compaq was weak in the market for Unix-based server systems.
  server space 0.66   AuctionWatch provides the server space to store these images.
  server program 0.59   The system comes with a simple proxy server program for just this purpose.
  server appliance 0.46   Chip giant Intel is offering a server appliance that is used only to connect users to a printer.
  server maker 0.46   Already, the leading server makers have committed to Itanium.
  server machine 0.39   The ISP owns the server machine.
  server platform 0.33   It connects different server platforms and storage systems from multiple vendors.
  server technology 0.33   Gaithersburg, Maryland-based Access Beyond brings remote-access server technology to the new company.
  server capacity 0.26   Programmers upstairs monitor server capacity to make sure every user who tries to access the CNN site is able to.
  server division 0.26   Netscape said it will fold Kiva into its server products division headed by John Paul.
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