1.   Also cut one from interfacing, without a seam allowance.

2.   Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way.

3.   Press the seam allowance to one side.

4.   Trim seam allowances and clip around curve.

5.   Turn in the raw edges of both seam allowances towards each other and match the folded edges.

6.   Turn under the raw edge of the top seam allowance and tack in place over the trimmed edge.

n. + allowance >>共 130
tax 10.83%
capital 6.94%
travel 5.28%
child 4.17%
attendance 3.61%
meal 3.61%
care 2.50%
expense 2.50%
pollution 1.94%
mileage 1.67%
seam 1.67%
seam + n. >>共 18
side 30.49%
attack 26.83%
bowling 10.98%
allowance 7.32%
roller 3.66%
ripper 2.44%
route 2.44%
tape 2.44%
trio 2.44%
adhesive 1.22%
每页显示:    共 6