tax allowance 2.57   Tax capital allowances would be available.
  capital allowance 1.65   Tax capital allowances would be available.
  travel allowance 1.25   He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.
  child allowance 0.99   Another form of child allowance was introduced during the first World War.
  attendance allowance 0.86   Have they considered cutting their own attendance allowances at the meetings?
  meal allowance 0.86   His daily meal allowance could feed a family for a week.
  care allowance 0.59   As resources allow, we will improve and extend invalid care allowance.
  expense allowance 0.59   The bill relies on a rigid formula based on expense allowances of the Internal Revenue Service.
  pollution allowance 0.46   The market will allow firms to buy up current and future pollution allowances.
  food allowance 0.39   These armed men are being given only a food allowance, Pashtun said.
  mileage allowance 0.39   Community nurses are paid a mileage allowance.
  risk allowance 0.39   The local physicians have held protests before demanding the risk allowance, but to no avail.
  seam allowance 0.39   Press the seam allowance to one side.
  depreciation allowance 0.33   Business, for example, is pushing hard for accelerated depreciation allowances for plants and equipment.
  disability allowance 0.33   I only receive a severe disability allowance and finding two lots of money for dentists care will be difficulty.
  student allowance 0.33   He said students were angered by cuts to student allowances while Mugabe failed to stop government corruption.
  transportation allowance 0.33   They also want transportation allowances, food incentives and better working conditions.
  car allowance 0.26   In addition, she will receive a car allowance and half membership in the Athens Country Club.
  investment allowance 0.26   It said that Lamont had responded to many of its suggestions such as improved investment allowances and export credit arrangements.
  office allowance 0.26   The new rules allowed members to buy whatever they wanted from their office allowances.
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